RL | Codes


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Tutorial on SLURM clusters + interactive notebooks

Part 1

Part 2

If you want to reuse this website

The codebase is available here:


You’ll have to install Quarto.

If you want to deploy it on Github pages, follow this tutorial:


Quarto is very powerful but also very upsetting, so be prepared.

At some point, I might provide a blank template for this multilingual version of the Quarto website utility, depending on interest. So, please leave a comment below if that’s your case.

Other codes

For now, if you are interested in my code, you can visit my Github account (it’s a mess) https://github.com/romainligneul

Or the Github account of my start-up RobustCircuit (it’s a mess too) https://github.com/robustcircuit

It is more oriented towards web experiments using Javascript/jsPsych and some SVG manipulation logics using D3.js